...European asphaltjungles


...And back to Europa, to it's capital -Bryssel. There I made some noise in the beginning, at the "New Street", that u can see in the photo. Later on I stayed in nearby city of Leuven, after some summers in Antwerp.

One can see that the year is 1992, the city is Barcelona, and the place is Plaza de Catalonia. In Bcn went two years (some yers later). Huckleberry was a band we had there, (with italiano Elvis, who was skillfull drummerboy, and a netherlander, hmm, bassplayer, (who owned the PA,)

Streetlife in Paris near Les Hallesin .With an american called Vick Vickery we played here for the first time.

. Police interrupted this streetperformance near Bompidou Center, like they used to do every now and then.

. Nassaustraat at the port of Antwerp. There was a little seaman's cafe, run buy a swedish couble. they rented cheap nice rooms at the back.



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